In the Middle of Another Hodgepodge…

Boy, does it ever feel like the middle of summer here in our neck of the woods!  It’s in the 90’s, too hot to do much, so I’m cooling off with another Hodgepodge.  Thanks for the welcomed distraction, Joyce

Let me begin by making an update to last week’s post: Our area schools were supposed to open this week, but our officials got “cold feet” and decided to postpone opening until September 8.  That was probably a wise decision.

1. August 12th is National Middle Child Day…are you a middle child? If not, where in your family do you fall in terms of birth order? Do you hold true to the typical characteristics of oldest-middle-youngest-only child? (a quick list can be found here) Elaborate.

I’m the youngest of two, born almost nine years apart.  I don’t think I really hold true to the typical characteristics of the youngest child, with the exception of being a little self-centered.  Perhaps it’s because my brother and I only lived in the house together for a little over eight years, I don’t know.

2. Tell us about a time you felt like (or you actually were) in the middle of nowhere.

It was probably the last time my husband, Ed, tried to take a “short cut”.  He’s famous for taking unknown roads in an effort to find a shorter route.  Sometimes it doesn’t work out, and we have to turn around and back track.

3. What’s something you’re smack in the middle of currently?

I’m smack in the middle of reading the book, Splintered, which was written by a former co-worker of mine, who recently died from covid 19. (see random)

4. What’s a food you love to eat that has something delicious in the middle?

I love to eat “tarts”.  Apple or pear are my favorites, and I like eating them while they’re hot.  Just thinking about them is making me hungry!  I need to make some–or maybe not!

5. Share a memory from your middle school days, or junior high if that’s what your school dubbed kids somewhere between grades 6-8.

Back in my day, we graduated from elementary school after completing sixth grade, which meant we attended the high school in the seventh grade.   I don’t remember it being called “junior high”.  I do remember how different and overwhelming it felt, however.  I definitely felt like a small fish in a very big pond!  It wasn’t long before I began to discover [and admire] the older boys on campus–including the one who would later end up being my future husband!  That’s right, I had a seventh grade crush on Ed while he was a senior in high school!


Covid 19 has really been making the rounds in our little rural area, as well as all of the counties surrounding us.  Every week, new names are being added to our prayer list, and the numbers of cases continue to rise.  Most suffer through the illness at home, but some need to go to the hospital.

Small, rural hospitals have become over-whelmed, struggling to find bigger hospitals to take their sickest covid patients.  Recently, our local hospital called thirty-three different hospitals before finding one willing and able to take a very sick covid patient!  I know of at least one patient that had to wait too long.

The reality of this pandemic [and all of its problems] really hit close to home, last Tuesday, when a former co-worker succumbed to covid 19, while in the process of being transferred.  David, a retired school teacher was just sixty-two years old. He leaves behind a loving wife (who contracted the virus, as well), two grown children and their spouses (one of which also contracted the virus), and three precious grandchildren.  His daughter and her family are members of our church.  David was a very active member of another area church. Our community is sure going to miss him!


Published in: on August 12, 2020 at 7:48 am  Comments (3)  
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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. My husband gets us lost taking short cuts too lol. It’s awesome that you married your 7th grade crush on a senior. I still remember the senior I had a crush on at that age. I’m so sorry to hear about your friend David, just awful 😦

  2. I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend. I think we’re all weary, frustrated, and ready for some positive news. It’s so hard to know what is safe to do or not do and I fear for the economy. People need to work and can’t, particularly if children don’t return to school. I try to stay focused on small blessings and Jesus. It helps. Take care and stay well.

  3. My school went from K-8th grade and I lived a block away. I enjoyed reading your answers. With that distance from your brother you probably felt like a first child at times. I am so sorry to hear that you now have more cases of Covid-19. Please be careful. So sorry for the loss of your co-worker.

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