Christmas 2012…

I can’t believe Christmas has come and gone, once again, but it has.  I’d like to record the most memorable moments of Christmas 2012, while they are still fresh in my mind, so here we go…

My daughter decorated her Christmas twice.  That’s right, twice!  After completely decorating their Christmas tree, my daughter realized the large outdoor lights she’d used weren’t suitable for an artificial tree. I explained to her that the hot lights would melt the artificial tree.  Talk about being the bearer of bad news…100_1923

I had tree problems of my own.  I always use a rotating Christmas tree stand.  This year, for some reason, the collar of the stand kept popping out of place.  I’d look and my tree would be rocking and leaning to the right.  Ed would have to crawl (across the train track) under the tree, and together the two of us would pop the collar and tree back in place.  This happened twice, during the course of the holidays, with the last time occurring after our grandson fell into the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve.  If you look closely at our 2012 family photo, you will notice the tree leaning to the right…

We celebrated our first Christmas gathering with Brad and Jennifer, in their new house.  This story deserves its own post, so I’ll give it one.  Details later…

Ed and I had overnight guests for Christmas.  Now that Brad and Jennifer live out-of-town, they chose to spend the night before and after Christmas with us.  They arrived on Christmas Eve, bearing gifts that hadn’t been wrapped!  After working a thirteen hour shift, then driving for over an hour, Jennifer still had to wrap all of their gifts!  Ed and I went to bed and left the couple still wrapping gifts until one in the morning…100_2069

We played games on Christmas Eve.  Since nobody in the family had any plans for Christmas Eve, everyone got together at our house for pizza and a few games.  My daughter was in charge of the games, and she found some good ones!  We had an evening of friendly competition with lots of laughter!  Even the little ones got in on some of the fun…100_2047

We didn’t have time to look at Christmas lights.  Usually, we will take an evening and look at Christmas lights.  There was no time or energy for that activity this year.  The only lights I saw were on the evening trips home from out-of-town doctor visits…

Our son-in-law was sick.  ‘Tis the season, and it’s not unusual for someone to become ill around Christmastime.  This time it was Clint’s turn.  He spent part of Christmas Eve at the doctor’s office.

It was a “messy” Christmas.  The weather was awful on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  It rained and rained.  As a result, things got muddy and slippery–our grandson slipped down.  The lighted garland surrounding the windows and door began to fall, too.  At one point, some of the lights got closed in the door, so they stopped working.  By Christmas Day, half of the door was lit, while the other half was not…

There were limited Christmas goodies.  Since the doctor put me on a candida elimination diet seven days before Christmas, I spent most of the holidays enduring sugar withdrawal symptoms.  Being in the presence of any type of dessert was awful, so I did very little holiday baking.  The girls furnished most of the deserts.  I had to leave the kitchen while everyone enjoyed dessert, following our Christmas meal.  It was one of my toughest moments of the diet…100_2081

Our granddaughter received “The Christmas Panties”.  Our family has a long-standing tradition of passing around a huge pair of ladies underwear, as a gag gift each Christmas.  These panties have been in our family for about thirty years!  My husband received them last year, and chose to pass them to our only granddaughter, Madison, this year.  The look on her face was priceless when she opened that gift.100_2101

All-in-all, 2012 was a good Christmas.  Everyone was able to be together, including Ed’s mom.  We were blessed one more year.  Our family has food and shelter, jobs, and for the most part, we’re healthy and happy.  Perhaps, most important of all, we have each other.  In the end, that’s what really matters…100_2088

Christmas 2012

Published in: on December 28, 2012 at 11:42 am  Comments (6)  

A Kinder Christmas…


I had full intentions of writing this post and linking up with Joyce for her “Twelve Days of Kindness” Christmas project, but God had other plans for me.  I’ve been off-line for several days, dealing with health-related issues.  My doctor put me on a sugar-free, yeast-free diet just a week before Christmas.  If you’ve ever given up sugar and carbohydrates, you can identify with the hell my body has been enduring.  It hasn’t been an easy time, and of course, it happening during the holidays made it even worse!  I’m better now, have already lost nine pounds, and the yeast issue seems to be finally retreating somewhat.  Praise the Lord!

 It’s a little late, but here’s my post concerning kindness during Christmas.

I wan’t able to do many of the kind things that I’d originally planned for Christmas.  I started out with the best intentions, but most of my plans never managed to materialize.  God has an interesting way of making things work out, and this year, He gave me the ability to “be still” and notice what was going on all around me.  If I’d been busy, as usual, I might not have been able to fully appreciate the acts of kindness going on all around me.  I witnessed things that made my heart nearly burst with love and gratitude for my family.

Jennifer…One Sunday, our daughter-in-law, Jennifer, bought food and drink for a homeless man and his dog, whom she’d spotted walking along the highway on her way to town. She was on her way to pick up lunch for Brad and herself, so she  purchased extra food.  On the way home, she stopped and gave the food to the man and his dog–then worried that the man wouldn’t share his lunch with his pet!

Jennifer shares my love for animals, but she especially loves dogs.  She’s been known to carry dog food and water in her car, so she can feed any strays she encounters.  Not long ago, she rescued an abandoned puppy out of a rain storm, then found it a home.

Brandy…Even though her husband was recently unemployed for several weeks, my daughter wanted to do something special for others less fortunate this Christmas. With some of the money they had budgeted for Christmas, she filled Christmas gift bags (with goodies and personal items) for the residents of the personal care home where her grandmother lives.

Brad…When our youngest son, Brad, learned of his sister’s plan to fill gift bags for those residents, he donated money toward the cause, too. ( I can appreciate his sacrifice, too,  since he just incurred the expense of buying a new house and getting moved.)  Thanks to the generosity of both Brandy and Brad, the ladies at The Griffin House had a  merrier Christmas.

Brandy…My daughter also baked dozens of cookies this Christmas!  She baked cookies for her daughter’s school.  She baked cookies for the local nursing homes, and she baked cookies for the gift bags that she made for the personal care home.  In fact, she baked so many cookies, her oven broke, and she wasn’t able to bake for her own family for Christmas.  Santa’s Christmas cookies had to be baked in her toaster oven!

Brett…Brett is our oldest son, and is probably the child who is most like me–or so I’ve been told.  Sometimes we butt heads hard, but then again, he always knows just the right words to say to me to make me feel better when my heart is heavy.  He works at a nearby university, and continues to take classes after work to further his degree.  His days are long, but once a week he can be found at a nearby shopping center, spreading the gospel to anyone who will listen.  When he was little, Brett always said he was going to grow up to be a preacher.  In a sense, he’s doing just that, by spreading the good news for others to hear.

For the first time, our family read the Christmas Story before eating lunch together on Christmas Day.  Brett read the passages of scripture from his sister’s bible, then followed it with the most beautiful prayer I’ve ever heard.  My mind can’t remember the words, but my heart does…

Ed...Ed has taken off from work and accompanied me to several doctor’s appointments throughout December.  He’s comforted me when I was a nervous wreck, and had dozens of prescriptions filled to keep me from having to get out and do it.  He’s put up with my grouchy moods and emotional outbursts while going through sugar withdrawal, and he is usually discreet when eating foods I can’t have.   In addition, he has packaged and returned two television sets, then went shopping (on his own)  for a third television just two days before Christmas!  Ed’s a true gem, and I’m blessed to have him.

Christmas is over, but it’s my hope and prayer that our random acts of kindness won’t be.  I hope we’ll all strive to keep Christmas in our hearts in the coming months ahead.  I’m certainly going to try!

Published in: on December 27, 2012 at 12:20 pm  Comments (4)  

Winding Down The Year With The Hodgepodge…

I know I’m supposed to be on a blogging break, but I’ve never missed a Hodgepodge, and I couldn’t stand to miss this one either!  If Joyce can come up with questions during the week before Christmas, I figured I could surely come up with some answers–and here they are:

1. How will you spend ‘the night before Christmas’?

Ed has taken Christmas Eve day off from work, but we haven’t made any plans.  Usually our grown children and their families will come over for a while on Christmas Eve night.  Sometimes we eat and play games.  This year, the entire family has been invited to eat lunch, on Sunday before Christmas, with Brad and Jennifer, in their new house.  This will be exciting, since it will be our first family get-together with them in their new home.

2. What is one thing you are not?

I am not able to draw or play a musical instrument!  Believe me, I’ve tried to learn!

3. Fudge-are you a fan? Your favorite flavor?

I love fudge.  The chocolate kind–with pecans or walnuts–I’m not picky.

4. Did you attend any craft/vendor fairs in the month of December? Do you prefer homemade goodies or the more professional stalls? Are you giving any homemade gifts this year?

Yes, I attended a parade and a small craft/vendor event a couple of weeks ago, where I purchased a snowman ornament, made from a light bulb.  The man selling the ornaments said his wife made them.  I love anything homemade, but was surprised not to find many homemade items at the event.  I’ve given away many homemade gifts in the past, but not this year.

5. What’s your favorite type of holiday gathering?

I enjoy a casual, finger food-eating, game-playing, type of gathering with our family.

6. We’re approaching a new year…what’s going to be different in 2013?

If all goes well, Ed and I should be debt-free by the summer’s end.  I’m looking forward to that moment!  It’s been a long time coming.

7. Share a favorite scripture, quote, saying, or song lyric relating to peace.

I’ve never been especially fond of this particular carol–until this year.  With everything that is going on in the world, and at home, this year I have found comfort and hope in the lyrics of “I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day”…

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet the words repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men.

I thought how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom
Had rolled along the unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good will to men.

And in despair I bowed my head:
“There is no peace on earth,” I said,
“For hate is strong and mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good will to men.”

Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
“God is not dead, nor doth he sleep;
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail,
With peace on earth, good will to men.”

Till, ringing singing, on its way,
The world revolved from night to day,
A voice, a chime, a chant sublime,
Of peace on earth, good will to men!

(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882), 1867)

Random:  Here’s a photo of my new snowman ornament–made from a light bulb!

Chase and Cade's b'days 076

Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

Published in: on December 19, 2012 at 12:02 pm  Comments (5)  
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T’was The Week Before Christmas…

T’was the week before Christmas when…I came down with a UTI!  Yes, on top of everything else, I’ve managed to contract a urinary tract infection, and we all know what cures those…antibiotics!  I don’t know about you, but antibiotics give me–a yeast infection!   In fact, antibiotics for a UTI are  what started my chronic yeast problem in the first place!  Now, in addition to medications for chronic yeast, I am also taking antibiotics!    Quick!  Somebody stop this ride, I want to get off!!!

T’was the week before Christmas… when our family celebrated the birthdays of our two youngest grandchildren, Caden and Chase.  Our oldest son and his wife were twice blessed with children being born during the month of December.  Their oldest was born four years ago, two weeks prior to Christmas.  Their youngest was born two days after Christmas.  On Saturday, a double birthday party was held for their little December blessings.

I simply can’t imagine planning a birthday party in the midst of Christmas activities, but their mom somehow pulled it off.  The theme of their party was “C is for”, appropriate since both of their names begin with a “C”.  Here’s a photo of the boys waiting for their party to begin–dressed in their birthday shirts, which sort of matched their cake.



T’was the week before Christmas…when I only had two gifts wrapped! For some strange reason, I’m not stressing about it either. Perhaps, it’s because I’ve been busy stressing over other things–like dealing with “The Problem Resolution Center” over a television, but hey, I finally have some good news concerning our television saga!

On Friday, we received a reimbursement check for our old television! I’m still waiting for someone to call and schedule a pick-up date for the new damaged television, but in the meantime, we got our check! Until they get around to picking up this 55″ television, we have no place to put another large tv, so we’ll continue to watch it, even with its smudges and blurriness. Hopefully, someone will be in touch soon, since we now have their television and their check! After Christmas, perhaps we can finally purchase a television that we can enjoy again–and forget this whole mess!

T’was the week before Christmas…when the airwaves of radio and television are filled with tragedy concerning Friday’s elementary school massacre.  I’m shocked and saddened for all of those involved.  I simply can’t imagine what these families are going through at this time.  However, I could almost see the wheels in our President’s head turning (as he wiped away a fake tear from his eye during his speech), and I remember these words spoken by Rahm Emanuel--“Never let a good crisis go to waste.”  I sense some sort of  “gun control”  just over the horizon.  This disturbs me greatly, as it should each American!  Guns are not the problem, the absence of God in our society is the problem.  So many have lost their moral compass, if they ever had one at all.

T’was the week before Christmas…and I’m already tired of eating carrot sticks, raw broccoli, and wheat bread!  I actually went to Burger King on Friday and ate a grilled chicken salad!  Of course, I blew it on Monday when I gave in and ate fried chicken and french fries, but I’ll do better tomorrow.  There has to be a little more to life than raw veggies and wheat bread, especially this time of the year!

T’was the week before Christmas…and I’m feeling the need to slow down blogging for a few days.  I haven’t been well lately, and I have several things demanding my attention– including another doctor’s appointment on Wednesday.  I may not be blogging or visiting on a regular basis for a few days, but I’ll do the best I can!

Published in: on December 17, 2012 at 10:05 pm  Comments (3)  
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Thursday’s Thoughts ~ Bumps In The Road Of Life

Have you ever felt like the Grinch was trying to steal your Christmas?  It’s difficult to be “merry and bright” when life is not going smooth, but I keep trying.  I am constantly reminding myself…”This too shall pass”.

I found myself trying to reassure Ed yesterday afternoon, when he arrived home bearing a paper showing the price of next year’s health insurance premiums at work.  They’re going up from $418 per month to $718 per month!  That’s well over the 49% increase we were told!  While Ed’s feeling blue about our own situation, he still has to try to encourage his department employees, who make less than he does, and also carry family coverage, instead of only spousal coverage.   Family coverage runs about $1043 per month!  How in the world are people expected to survive?!  They can’t, and this is how the government plans to force people on Obama Care in the end.

Under Obama Care, health care reimbursement will be drastically limited to doctors/hospitals, so doctors will opt to see only patients with premium health coverage.  It’s already happening, I’ve witnessed it first-hand (turning away Medicare patients), but who can blame them?  They’re trying to make a living!  Good luck finding a physician to see you if you have any type of government-funded health care!

Small, rural hospitals will feel the bite of Obama Care the worst, so they’ll be the first to close their doors.  The closing of rural hospitals will mean less available jobs.  Less hospitals mean less places for treatment, so we’ll all be forced to head for the city, take a number and wait.   Once our wait is over, the government will then dictate what treatment we will be able to receive!  This will be our healthcare of the future, and there’s nothing good about it.

In other news, our television saga continues!  Ed’s taken over dealing with the “Wal-mart Problem Resolution” team because I can no longer stand it!  We’ve been waiting over a week to get a scheduled pick up of this faulty television they sent us.  Ed’s called twice about that already.  We’ve been waiting twelve days to receive “proof of purchase” papers for this faulty television–and I’ve called twice about that!  So much for “problem resolution”, huh?  It’s almost a joke to deal with these people.  I don’t believe a word they say anymore.

There’s been little improvement with my chronic yeast problem either.  I keep hoping and praying, as I consume the last of the medications.  I’ve also been modifying my diet somewhat.  I’ve cut down on the amount of sugar I consume,  and have been eating  healthier foods.  I’ve also been exercising.  It hasn’t helped the yeast production, so far, but I’ve lost a pound!  My goal is to try to get my cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure down.  It would be nice to kill off the yeast in the process, but I’ll take what I can get!

The Dish Network guy came this morning and replaced our receiver.  I’m not sure it solved our problems.  There are still times when the picture seems to be a bit blurry, but not as bad as before.  The man assured me that our signal is good, and the picture is better than it was before.  Perhaps my eyes are just going bad, too!

Forgive me for being such a grouch lately.  It’s probably hormonal, and I know it will pass.  Life is filled with bumps in the road, that’s a given.  One of these days it will be smooth sailing again, and I’ll look back on these times and laugh.  Until that day comes, I’ll try to grin and bear it!  I do realize life could always be worse, and I am grateful for my blessings.

Published in: on December 13, 2012 at 1:17 pm  Comments (4)  
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Over The River And Through The Woods…To The Hodgepodge!

I love how our hostess, Joyce, always manages to come up with such catchy titles for The Hodgepodge, don’t you? I also love the questions she comes up with each week. Speaking of Joyce’s questions, here they are, along with my answers:

1. So, when did you last take a walk in the woods? A stroll along the beach? A drive going nowhere in particular in the car?

Sadly, I can’t remember the last time I did any of these things, so I know it’s been quite a while.  I don’t care much for walking in the woods, even though we have woods all around us.  I’m afraid of snakes, and rightfully so, since we’ve killed several rattlesnakes and moccasins over the years.  I enjoy taking a stroll along the beach, but this year I spent all of my beach time resting in a chair.  As for driving nowhere in particular, thanks to the ridiculous price of gas, we only drive when we have to.

2. Are you sending Christmas cards this year? About how many do you send? Photo card or something more traditional? How do you display the cards you receive?

I mailed my Christmas cards yesterday.  I sent out about twenty traditional Christmas cards, mostly to family.  I display my Christmas cards on a little “card wreath” that I bought several years ago.

3. What’s a word you’ve heard too much of in the past week?

“Fiscal cliff”.  I know it’s two words, but I’m tired hearing about it.  It makes me nervous and cranky.

4. December 13th is National Cocoa Day-are you a fan? Plain or flavored? Marshmallows or no marshmallows?

I love cocoa.  In fact, it’s the only hot drink that I like.  I prefer plain cocoa, with mini marshmallows.

5. What is something you do to help alleviate the hectic pace of the Christmas season?

I enjoy watching Hallmark Christmas movies, and reading Christmas books.  Both are relaxing, entertaining, and put me in a holiday mood.

6. Besides jewelry, what’s a favorite sparkly-glittery item in your home or closet?

This time of the year, I’d have to say my Christmas tree(s).  I have four, and I love each one of them.

7. Share a favorite line or two from any Christmas carol.

“I’ll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams.”

This song always reminds me of the two Christmases that Ed spent overseas.  He was stationed in Okinawa during Christmas of 1970, and 1971.  We weren’t married yet, but I missed him terribly.  It made me sad to think of him having to be away from his family at Christmas. ( He says it made him sad, too.)


Since I finally finished decorating for Christmas, I thought I’d share a couple of photos of my kitchen.


My kitchen Christmas tree, decorated with pretend candy and gingerbread cookies


My Christmas salt/pepper shaker collection


My crazy Christmas clock

(it plays Christmas music at five minutes after the hour, and never hangs quite straight)

Published in: on December 12, 2012 at 9:17 am  Comments (9)  
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Make Me Crazy Monday…

Acting Balanced

It’s been a while since I posted, but I’ve had an awful lot going on lately.  I’ll do some catching up at the end of this post, but first I want to participate in Heather’s fun Monday meme.  Here are today’s questions:

1. What is your favorite charity to donate to?

My current favorite charity is relatively new, and it’s known as “Mercury One” (

2. When was the last time you danced?

The last time I danced was June 25, 2011, at our youngest son’s wedding.

3. How do you show someone you care about them?

By spending time with them, telling them I love them, or doing something special for them.
4. Do you send holiday cards?

I don’t send “holiday” cards, but I do send Christmas cards–which reminds me, that’s on today’s “TO DO” list!

My question for you:

5.  Do you enjoy Christmas Parades, and if so, do you prefer daytime parades or illuminated nighttime parades?

I love Christmas Parades, and actually attended two this weekend–a nighttime parade and a daytime parade.  I prefer the illuminated night parades.

My recap from the past four days:

Our daughter-in-law, Jennifer, got some good news regarding her biopsy, but she had to wait five  l-o-n-g  days to get the news.  It was a tense time for all, especially her.  We were all relieved to hear the good news, and greatly appreciate the prayers sent up in her behalf.

As for me, I’m still taking my yeast medications and trying to cope.  There is some slight improvement, but the problem still persists.    Today I will take my last Diflucan, but will continue the other two drugs for three more weeks.  By then, I will have been dealing with this problem for six months.  I have a follow-up doctor appointment next week.

I mentioned in an earlier post that my HRT has been reduced by one-fourth.  My body is having a hard time adjusting.  My emotions are all over the place.  Hopefully, I’ll level off in another week or two.  I go through this every time my dosage gets adjusted, and it’s pure hell ( for me and for Ed).  No hot flashes or night sweats, so far,  just terrible mood swings, and an inability to concentrate.  If that’s not enough, I’m also having to limit caffeine due to fiber-cystic disease, but wait, there’s more…

My gynecologist called last week requesting permission to refer me to an endocrinologist because my fasting glucose level was a bit high (7 points) at the beginning of my glucose tolerance test.  Since Ed works with my doctor, he ran this suggestion by my primary care physician.  He wasn’t concerned about the slight elevation,  since my glucose level was normal just a month ago.  He monitors my glucose levels regularly, along with everything else, so I’m declining the referral unless my primary care doctor sends me later.  For now, some lifestyle changes are beginning to happen.

My blood pressure has been high on the past two doctor visits, but I attributed it to being nervous.  On Sunday, Ed checked it at home, and it was the highest it’s ever been-160/90!  Not a good thing.  I’ve never been one to have high blood pressure.  I’m going to have to keep a closer watch on that.    My cholesterol has been on a steady increase, too.   Geez, I seem to be falling apart!  A permanent diet change and more exercise is apparently in order.  If I can’t get my numbers down through diet and exercise, then I’ll have to go on more medications, and I’d really like to avoid that, if possible.  Age is apparently catching up with me!

On the bright side, I FINALLY finished decorating the house for Christmas!  I’ve never been this late getting finished before, so I’m relieved to get it done.  Next on my list is mailing Christmas cards and wrapping gifts!  There’s some baking to be done, too, but it will be limited this year.  Sugar and flour are on the “naughty list”…

In case you are wondering, our television saga continues.  We’re still waiting for the trucking company to call and schedule a pick up of the faulty television that was sent to us.  We’ve been waiting since last Wednesday…(This situation is probably not helping my blood pressure either!)  We have to ship this television back before we can get it replaced.  We’re heading into week four of this saga, with no end in sight yet.

If the television saga isn’t bad enough, something is apparently wrong with our satellite reception, too.  Dish Network is mailing us a new receiver this week.  I’m going to lose all of my recorded programs on the old DVR!  I have some great concerts recorded, plus a ton of movies.  A new receiver better solve our problem or I’ll really be bummed…

Now, doesn’t your life seem calm, compared to mine?   Happy Monday!

P.S.  I’m way behind on blog visits, so please be patient with me.  I’ll get caught up with everyone as soon as I can.

Published in: on December 10, 2012 at 9:45 am  Comments (13)  
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Ho Ho Ho Hodgepodge…

I’ve been having such a difficult week I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to participate in “The Hodgepodge” today, but here I am–because I am a creature of habit and I’m determined!  The good news is- after three days I have finally finished decorating the large tree in the living room. Yay! The bad news is the ornament boxes are still sitting all around, and I have two more trees to go. Perhaps I’ll get them finished today–right after I answer Joyce’s questions and visit a few friends.

1. Share your traditions surrounding the Christmas stocking.
While our children were growing up, everyone in the family had a stocking. We didn’t have an actual fireplace, so I hung the stockings on the wall, near our wood burning heater which stood in the corner.  Some years all of the stockings were filled, but usually it was just the children who found goodies in their stockings on Christmas morning.  The goodies were usually an assortment of Christmas candies and perhaps a small toy or two.  I still have all of our stockings, but no longer hang them.  Here’s a photo from ten or twelve years ago:

7-15-2011 1;53;14 PM Christmas 20023

2. How many hours of sleep do you average at night? Is it enough?

On a good night, I average about 6 hours of sleep.  It’s not enough, but it’s a lot better than the nights when I only sleep 3 to 4 hours.  I’ve found 8 hours of sleep to be the perfect amount of sleep for me, but it rarely happens.

3. If you had to give up one thing for the remainder of this year what would it be?

Considering the television issues plaguing me for the past three weeks, I’m going to say “watching television”.  Three weeks and counting since our big screen was pronounced “unfixable”.  We’re still trying to resolve the problems concerning our new”replacement set”.   It appears that we may end up sending this television back to the company due to its major “issues”.  It’s a very nice television, with internet and 3D, but apparently it’s defective.  What luck!

4. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (or Wills and Kate as I like to call them) have announced they’re expecting a baby. Do you follow news of the Royals?

I don’t follow the news of the Royals, but it’s hard since the family is always making headlines.  I don’t really share the fascination that some people have with them.  They’re just people.

5. For me, the sound of childhood is the musical sounds of an ice cream truck!  To this day, I still get excited when I hear one, which isn’t often!   These days there is no ice cream truck around here– only the sounds of our grandchildren squealing with delight while they play outside in the yard.

6. Fruit cake-yay or boo? What’s your favorite dessert made with fruit?

Booyay!  I used to hate fruit cake, but have cultivated a taste for it in my older years.  It’s still not among my favorite desserts, but I don’t mind having an occasional slice.  My favorite dessert made with fruit is apple pie or peach cobbler.

7. What is one thing you want to accomplish before 2012 comes to an end?

To get my house decorated for Christmas!  It’s never taken me this long to decorate before.  By the time I finish, it will be time to take it all down…


Let me just tell you- introducing your body to four new drugs at once is not a fun experience!  I began my newest phase of treatment for excessive yeast yesterday.  My side effects ranged from dizziness to “the shakes”.  (I’m so grateful I didn’t fall off the ladder while I was decorating the Christmas tree!)  By the time Ed arrived home from work, I was a woman at the end of her rope.  I’d dealt with the lady from the Tax Office, the television repairman, the television repairman’s wife, and I was in the midst of a hormonal episode.  I cried while stirring my pot of chicken and dumplings, as Ed told me about his day.  (He had to have his car radiator replaced, and of course it cost more than anticipated.)  So many issues to deal with lately!   Let’s hope today is a bit calmer, after all,  ‘Tis the season to be jolly 🙂

Published in: on December 5, 2012 at 9:27 am  Comments (4)  
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Happy Monday…

Acting Balanced

I hope it’s a happy Monday for you, I’m still trying to decide about mine.  I’m thankful that Thanksgiving came early this year, so I’ll have more time to get ready for Christmas– ’cause it’s slow going here.  I’m getting ready, but it’s at a slower pace than usual–probably because I keep taking so many blogging breaks!  Speaking of blogging–I think it’s time to link up with “Monday Quiz About Me”!

1. When was the last time you had your picture taken with Santa?

Actually, I had my picture taken with Santa (at Bass Pro Shop) last Christmas–along with my daughter and granddaughter.  We thought it would be neat to have a “3 generations” picture made with Santa.  I’m the lady in the red top.

12-20-2011 1;50;18 PM 3 generations with Santa

2. Which do you prefer – ham or turkey?

I prefer turkey, probably because we don’t have it very often.

3. Do you give more to charity in December?

Sometimes, but not always, it just depends on what’s going on.

4. Which US City would you most like to visit and why?

I think I’d most like to visit Miami, Florida, because of its close proximity to the Florida Keys.

My question for you:

5.  Do you enjoy watching Christmas movies?  If so, what’s your favorite one?  

I love watching Hallmark Christmas movies!  There are so many good ones, I can’t pick a favorite, but among my favorites are “The Christmas Card”, “The Christmas Heart”, “Call Me Mrs. Miracle”,  and “A Christmas Visitor”.  I also enjoy watching National Lampoon’s “Christmas Vacation” and “A Christmas Story” each year, as well.

Weekend Recap:

‘Tis the season, and it was a busy weekend around our house!  As I mentioned, I’m still working on getting up our Christmas decorations.  Ed and I finished putting up the outside decorations on Friday afternoon, but I’m still working on the inside decorations.  We had a lot of company on Saturday, then some shopping to do on Sunday, so the inside decorations have had to wait.  Today’s top priority is finishing the tree in the living room.  Wish me luck!

I stayed home all day on Friday, waiting for the delivery man to bring our new television.  He was supposed to arrive between twelve and five, but it was after six when he finally called for directions.  By then, I’d given up hope.

On Saturday, when Ed unpacked the television, we discovered we didn’t get any papers with our new television–no packing slip, no invoice, or any paper that we could  use to purchase an extended warranty.  Our plight didn’t stop there…  We discovered our brand new  replacement television already has “issues”!  It has what appears to be two “smudges” right in the middle of the screen, but they don’t wipe off.  Occasionally, the picture also turns a bit blurry for just a few seconds.  Can you believe this?  I talked with the warranty company last night, and they will be arranging repair service next week, while I wait to receive an invoice (for the television) from them.  Here we go again…Can you believe it?

Tomorrow I will also be starting yet another treatment plan for the yeast overgrowth that’s still invading my body.  After drinking the glucose for Thursday’s test, I’ve been in even more misery. (Sugar consumption increases yeast growth.)   The newest cream from the doctor hasn’t helped either.  I’m now moving into month six of this problem, with the yeast spreading again.

While my yeast problem is aggravating, persistent, and a little threatening, our daughter-in-law, Jennifer, is dealing with a much larger issue.  Her six months GYN check up, on Friday, didn’t go well.  Once again, I am asking for prayers on Jennifer’s behalf.  She has to wait a few days to learn more results.  Your prayers would be deeply appreciated.

Published in: on December 3, 2012 at 8:28 am  Comments (16)  
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