Thursday’s Thoughts…

Have I mentioned a time or two that I really dislike this time of the year?  January is such a let down after the excitement and flurry of activity surrounding Christmas.  The house suddenly looks plain and gloomy without all of the twinkling lights of the trees, or the pretty red and green decorations scattered about.  Plus, deliver me from having to go into stores in January!  Most look like a  war zone, and looking at all the left-over Christmas items that nobody will buy just makes me sad.  It always takes me until almost February to feel happy again–a box of chocolates and flowers tend to  help!

Speaking of January, it’s finally begun to feel like winter here!  We’ve had three nights of below freezing temperatures, signaling the true arrival of the season.  Of course, it’s supposed to warm back up well into the sixties by the weekend!  There’s not much opportunity to wear sweaters around here anymore.  In fact, I’ve discarded most of my long-sleeved apparel over the years.  It makes me hot to wear anything more than a three-quarter length sleeve!

In family news, our new grandson, Chase, turned a week old on Tuesday.  He’s such a cutie.  I could just sit around and hold him all day!  In fact, I did sit around and hold him for about two hours last night–and I enjoyed every minute of it!  Daughter-in-law, Christina, came down to sit with us while Brett took their older son, Cade, to church for AWANA.

Baby Chase...snuggling with MiMi

I didn’t even mind when Chase filled his diaper with poop while I was holding him.  I quickly discovered that I still remember how to change a diaper, even though it’s been a while.  It’s like riding a bicycle–you never forget!

I’ve never been more proud of our oldest son, Brett,  than I am at this moment.  Brett’s been on vacation since before Christmas, and he’s made extra sure that his oldest son, Cade,  has gotten more than plenty of attention and love, while his wife, Christina,  is recovering from her c-section and taking care of baby Chase.   The family of three,  seems to have transitioned into a family of four quite smoothly, and I’m so glad!

After two days, daughter, Brandy, is coming along well with her new babysitting job.  She proudly proclaims that she  got little Alex to drink an entire bottle yesterday afternoon!   I walked over to visit them yesterday morning, and it was already evident that the two were forming a bond, after just one day.  It was also evident that little Alex really likes our five-year-old granddaughter, Madison.  He lights up whenever she enters the room, and immediately tries to scoot over to where she is!

That’s about it for my thoughts this Thursday.  I’m still struggling to get my energy back and get back into the swing of blogging full-time again.  I sure hope a burst of energy and creativity hits me soon!  Until next time…

Published in: on January 5, 2012 at 12:34 pm  Comments (7)  
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7 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Well If I had a sweet little baby like that nearby I’d probably spend all day holding him too! I’m moving into the New Year very slowly but I’ve decided that’s okay. My daughter is still home…we started undressing the trees this morning but we’re heading to a movie now. We’ll finish the trees later this afternoon.

    Enjoy your day!

  2. In spite of it being January, it sounds like there’s a lot of good going on in your life right now … plenty to be thankful for. 😉

  3. The new baby is very sweet! What a blessing! I enjoy the “clean-ness” of our place once all the decorations are put away. It makes me think we start the new year with a “clean slate” and don’t need clutter in our lives.

    Happy new year!

  4. Holding your sweet grandson for hours sounds perfect. He is adorable. So glad to hear that little Alex drank and entire bottle. Sounds like a perfect match for both him & Brandy.

  5. I agree with you about holding that baby. My sister and I agreed that we both were not good at schedules. My daughter ran a tight ship with my grandsons. She had them on schedules very quickly. I never knew how to do that. I would sit and hold that baby and just watch them make faces in their sleep. I don’t and never did regret a minute of it. They are babys for such a short time and are newborns even shorter.. Kiss those sweet baby feet for me Kathy.

  6. Praise the Lord. I’m so happy to hear that things are going well for Alex and Brandy. This might be the best thing for both of them. 🙂

    Hope your January Blahs go away soon. 😀

  7. I love January because the days begin to get a bit longer and I know February is only a few weeks down the road with even longer days and milder temperatures.

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