More Tales From A Simple Woman’s Daybook…


Outside my window…it is still dark!  Ed got up early and left for work before his alarm went off, but he neglected to turn his alarm off.   Grrrr…  By the time I fumbled around to find the correct button to turn it off, I was fully awake, so here I am at 7:01 a.m.!

I am thinking… “Dancing With The Stars” is going to have its best season ever!  Those “all-stars” were really entertaining last night!  There are so many good couples, it’s going to be difficult to pick just one to root for.

I am thankful…to have been blessed with such a kind and loving husband, three healthy children who grew up to be God-fearing, compassionate, productive adults, and last, but definitely not least, I’m thankful for our three healthy, beautiful grandchildren.  Wow, how was that for a run-on sentence?

In the kitchen…last night I cooked chicken and dumplings, fresh peas from the garden, and made a fresh pear cobbler for dessert.  Don’t I sound like a little “Susie Homemaker”?  LOL

I am wearing…a pink nightgown, after all it’s only 7 o’clock!

I am creating…some new ornaments for my Halloween tree.  Here’s a peek at what I’ve made so far:

I am going…to go and get my hair cut in a little while.  I’m very happy about that because my hair has been driving me crazy for over a week, and I hate that feeling!

I am wondering…who is going to win the presidential election–and I’m praying a lot about it, too.

I am reading…Jimmy Buffett’s “A Pirate Looks At Fifty”.  I’ve been reading this book all summer, but actually it’s quite interesting.  Jimmy’s led a “colorful” (and quite interesting) life, but I’ve been surprised to discover how smart he is.  I’d have finished his book by now, except I took a break to read the “Fifty Shades of Grey” trilogy.  Yes, (gasp) I read those books, because I was curious to see what all of the hype was about!  I actually found myself quite intrigued by the characters and the story line, and boy did I learn some new things!

I am hoping (and praying)… my son-in-law gets to go back to work soon.  He’s laid off from his job at the moment, due to a problem with his employer’s contract.

Also for my brother-in-law ( who’s been very ill) to continue to get better.  He’s been in ICU, suffering with pneumonia and an abscess in his lung.  This is his third major illness in the past few years, and he’s only 55.

I am looking forward to...being able to spend more time outside.  The heat and mosquitoes have kept me a prisoner in my home for far too long!

I am learning…that my outlook on life is changing as I am growing older.  I’m realizing just how short life really is!

Around the house…it looks like I’ll be doing some more canning and freezing soon.  Some of the peas are almost ready!  Ed and I canned a few pears over the weekend.

I am pondering…about all of the turmoil going on in the world today, and wondering what the next four years will bring for our country.

A favorite quote for today…We don’t live in a world of reality, we live in a world of perceptions”  Gerald J. Simmons

One of my favorite things…having the option to take a nap in the afternoons!  I love being retired.

A few plans for the rest of the week:  finish making those ornaments, do a little more canning, and drag out the outside fall/Halloween decorations.

A peek into my day…would probably be boring to some, but I’m content!

A Photo:

We have a nice fall crop of volunteer zinnias in our garden.  The butterflies have really been enjoying them!

Thanks to Peggy Hostetler for hosting “The Simple Woman’s Daybook”.

Published in: on September 25, 2012 at 7:54 am  Comments (7)  

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7 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Good morning, Kathy! Sorry about that alarm clock, but I sure did savor the visit as I finished my cup of hot tea. You are one accomplished, productive retiree. Hope the rest of your day is filled with blessings. I am happy that you are good at counting blessings.

  2. I love the Simple Woman’s Daybook. Sorry you were up earlier than you would have preferred … hope you a fantastic day!

  3. That’s a great photo, I’ve never captured two butterflies at one time before.
    I have an appointment for a hair cut every 6 weeks on the same day and at the same time… takes a while to find someone who does it the way we like it but once I do, I stick with it.
    We have seen two wee fish in the pond this year…..makes 19 total and some are as big as my hand.
    Wish I had some fresh peas. I bought some at the farmers market a couple of years ago and they ended up in the trash because of so many bad ones in each shell.
    Have a good week.
    Mama Bear

  4. A peek into your day isn’t boring. It’s those little things that make a life.

  5. Aren’t you good to take advantage of the enforced early rising to sit down and write. I’d probably just (weather permitting) sit with a cup of coffee & newspaper on my patio or same cup of coffee and Good Morning, America.
    I guess that explains why you blog daily and I, weekly!

  6. Your photo is lovely! I am a fan of the afternoon nap too : )

  7. What cute ornaments. I can’t wait to see a picture of the tree when it’s done. 🙂

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