Saying Good-bye To April With A Hodgepodge…

What in the world happened to the month of April?  It went by in a blur, or at least that’s how it seems to me.  Never-the-less, it’s Wednesday again, and you know what that means.  It’s time for The Wednesday Hodgepodge!  Thank you, once again, to our wonderful hostess, Joyce, for continuing to host this fun meme.  Now, let the fun begin…

1. April showers bring May flowers or so the saying goes. Has your April been filled with showers?

We haven’t had many April showers in our neck of the woods, other than the kind that flows from our water sprinkler.  It’s been extremely dry here!  That’s why we were absolutely thrilled when it finally rained on Sunday evening!  We are very grateful for the inch of rain we received.

Do you carry an umbrella, wear a slicker, or make a run for it?  I often carry an umbrella, but, sometimes, I’ll just make a run for it.  A little water never hurt anyone.

Besides rain, what else has filled your April?  

April has mostly been filled with planting and taking care of our garden.  Gardening is quite time-consuming (especially for poor Ed)! Due to my back issues, I do more watching and watering than anything else.  You can’t tell from this photo, but there are 20 rows of vegetables planted in this garden!

2.  What’s something you could give a 30-minute presentation on, at a moment’s notice, with zero preparation? I could easily give a presentation on these creatures:

I can’t believe how little I actually knew about chickens when I brought those first baby chicks home, five years ago, but experience is a great teacher!  These ‘girls’ think they rule–and they pretty much do.  The two red hens are from the original flock of five years ago, and they still lay eggs!  The other six members of the flock (one missed being photographed) will celebrate their 3rd birthday in September. We’ve almost reached a milestone of 4, 400 eggs from these chickens (plus the five members of the flock who are now deceased).

3. Share with us a favorite food memory from childhood.

I remember my maternal grandmother having some awesome family dinners at her house!  There’d be all kinds of foods, but, strangely, the thing I looked forward to the most was the large plate of pineapple or pimento cheese sandwiches!  They always tasted so good!  Grandma also made the most delicious ‘bread pudding’ I’ve ever eaten.  For those who may not  know, ‘bread pudding’ is made with ‘left-over’ bread, eggs, milk, sugar, and cinnamon, then baked.  I sure wish I had grandma’s recipe.

4. What’s a song you thought you knew the lyrics to, but later discovered you were wrong?

I don’t have a particular song in mind, but, prior to Google, I didn’t know the correct lyrics to most of the songs by Credence Clearwater Revival or Elton John…  Come to think of it, can anyone sing the correct lyrics to Benny and the Jets?

5. According to one travel website, the most overrated tourist attractions in America are-
Niagara Falls (NY), Hollywood Walk of Fame (California), Times Square (NYC), Epcot (FL), Seattle Space Needle (WA), and Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market (Boston).

How many of these have you seen in person?

Sadly, none of them.  I’m not well-traveled.  I have been to Disneyworld, in Florida, but I went before Epcot was completed.

Did you feel like a tourist? Did you care?  Yes and no.

Tell us about a place (not on the list) you’ve visited that might be considered a tourist trap, but you love it anyway.

Elvis’ former home, Graceland might fall into that category.  His home, seemingly frozen in time, is still open for tours, as far as I know.  The house is still decorated as it was back in the late 60’s or early 70’s, but I enjoyed touring it, since I remember the 70’s so well.  I’m sure everything in the home was ‘state of the art’ back in Elvis’ day, but everything looks rather antiquated now.  Check out that television!

photo via Google

6. Your signature clothing item?

Crocs! I wear them all the time.  Here’s a photo of my first pair of Crocs.  I wore this pair for about ten years before finally throwing them away!  Sadly, the newer Crocs aren’t made to be quite as durable.

7. What’s an experience you’ve had you think everyone should experience at least once? Why?

A “close call”.  My husband, Ed, had a heart attack 18 months ago. Fortunately, he survived his  “widow maker”, and is doing well. While going through the experience was extremely scary and stressful, it made us both realize just how precious (and short) our time [here] really is.  We can be taken in the blink of an eye!  We thank God, every day, for this ‘extra’ time we’ve been given together.

While in Brunswick on other business, we had the opportunity to briefly visit St. Simon’s Island, last week, our first visit since last September.

I was pleased not to see much damage from last fall’s hurricane Matthew.  Everything seemed pretty much unchanged.  The ‘walking man’ was still making his rounds…

and folks were still taking pictures beside the strange-looking tree on the island… which I can’t seem to find a photo of!  The island was actually pretty crowded, for a Thursday.

We only stayed long enough to grab a bar-b-que sandwich from Southern Soul, then ate it while sitting in a park beside the beautiful water.  I hope to go back, soon!

Published in: on April 26, 2017 at 8:13 am  Comments (11)  
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11 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Yes, when you have health issues, they sure can be a wake up call to relish in every moment you’re given. Glad Ed is doing well! I’ve been to Graceland a few times…it really is something to see. I remember the ‘Jungle Room’ the most. WOW!

  2. I have experienced the widow maker twice in my life and others who didn’t make it. When my husband died suddenly, I realized then that one minute you’re living life normal and the next minute brings changes that cause life to never be the same.
    I love the pic of your garden and the chickens. Do they roam freely most of the time? It would be so wonderful to have that garden, but sadly, like you, neither one of us are fit to work it.

  3. I notice Ed is wearing crocks too!

  4. I have enjoyed your girls over the years. I prayed with you when they became sick. I’ve always wanted chickens, but was afraid to give it a try.

  5. Your garden is amazing! I have no talent for growing things so I really admire those who do!

  6. I’ve never been to Memphis, but maybe on a roadtrip one of these days. I do love their bbq and I’m sure while Graceland is touristy it would be fun to see. So glad you got your day at the beach!

  7. That’s a nice looking garden y’all have there. I do love chickens but when I hear some things about them I realize I could never have any. I would treat them as pets and never want to say good-bye, so to speak. 🙂 I love bread pudding! My grandmother made delicious pimento cheese sandwiches, too.

  8. I have one of my five pairs of Crocs on as I type this! Love them! One of these days we are going to meet on St. Simons! Counting on it!

  9. Enjoyed my visit with you.
    Mama Bear

  10. It is truly good to be back to the Hodgepodge! I do understand your answer to #7. Sadly, I know way more about cancer than I ever wanted to. When we were originally diagnosed we were told that it would be a difficult journey. That was an understatement. However, our love for each other still endures.
    Thank you for visiting my blog page and thank you for your kind words.

  11. Just getting caught up from being gone last week. Always love seeing your garden. I’m also impressed with your chickens. I don’t think I could be that adventurous. Always nice to learn from something that has happened in your life and thankful it all turned out so well.

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